It is estimated that four in ten Kiwis have not made a Will. If you have already made a Will you are already ahead of the curve. Congratulations. Have a pat on the back. However, across the land hidden in kitchen drawers and forgotten in filing cabinets, there rests a vast number of unenforceable and out-of-date Wills which, when needed, are found to disappoint beneficiaries and fuel unnecessary legal costs. Most people get the formalities of writing a Will right, and a professionally drafted Will avoids the risk of your wishes not being followed, but a major cause of heartache for grieving family and friends is when the Will has not been updated.
When was the last time you reviewed your Will? Chances are high that if you are reading this article, you may not have done it for some time, but why do you need to review your Will? During your lifetime you will undoubtedly experience changes to your relationships, financial situation, fluctuations in property values and a host of other factors that can mean that your carefully drafted Will is no longer a true representation of your circumstances and wishes.